Page 20 - you are invited booklet
P. 20

You are Invited   18                                                                                                           Ethnic
                                                                                                                                and Cultural


                                                                                                                                   a unique and
                                               نم نیمزرس
                                               تساه گنر نیمزرس
                                               ،میلقا تفه نیمزرس
                                               ،ندمت نیمزرس                                                                            attraction
                                               بادآ نیمزرس
                                               ،فلتخم ننس و
                                               دراد ینامدرم و
                                               سنج زا
                                                یزاون نامهم بان
                                               ایب نم نیمزرس هب
                                                                                                                                                     the most

                                               My land is                                                                                   Prominent
                                               the land of colors,
                                               the land of                                                                                     Religious
                                               seven climates,                                                                                        Hube of
                                               the land of
                                               civilization,                                                                                              Iran
                                               the land of
                                               different customs
                                               and traditions,
                                               it has people
                                               of pure hospitality.
                                               to my land

                           Imam Reza Shrine  /  Razavi Khorasan Province Province   >            torbat-e-Jam  /  Khorasan Razavi Province
                                                     Photo:  MCTH Archive                        Photo:  Saeid Mahmoudi Aznaveh
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