Page 74 - you are invited booklet
P. 74
You are Invited 72
دراد یدایز یناتساب راثآ
شتمدق هکنیا یارب
هب اهرهش یضعب یوت
ددرگیمرب شیپ لاس 8000
دراد یدایز یتسد عیانص و
و یلاع تیفیک اب
تیعقوم و وکسنوی تبث
،بوخ ییایفارغج
.دشاب یم لصف 4 یاراد
has many Bandar Abbas,
ancient monuments
because Creative
its history
dates back City of
to 8000 years ago
in some of its cities, Crafts and“
and has ”Folk Art
many handicrafts
with excellent quality
UNESCO inscription,
great geographical
and 4 seasons
Golabatoon / HormozganProvince
Photo: MCTH Archive